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Skullpiercer: the Apex Legends podcast | Ep. 2: Hype Train

Skullpiercer: the Apex Legends podcast | Ep. 2: Hype Train

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On episode 2 of Skullpiercer, the Apex Legends podcast, Jeff, Platt and Stretch talk about the changes to Gibraltar and Caustic in 1.1.1, the new Longbow DMR, an how to be a better team mate by controlling your reactions.

Patch notes on Reddit here.

Have great ideas for topics or just want to get our thoughts on something? Hit us up on email at team@skullpiercer.com and we’ll read the best on the air.

Listen on
iTunes: http://bit.ly/SkullpierceriTunesEp1
Spotify: http://bit.ly/SkullpiercerSpotifyEp1
Google Play: http://bit.ly/SkullpiercerGoogleEp1

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You can always find the latest episode on www.skullpiercer.com

Thanks for listening!

Skullpiercer: the Apex Legends podcast | Ep. 1: Hold W for Win

Skullpiercer: the Apex Legends podcast | Ep. 1: Hold W for Win